Calculation Examples

The following examples demonstrate various ephemeris options and compare the results with external programs or printed ephemeris.

Reference data are

  1. Rosicrucian Ephemeris based on JPL DE200/LE200. Has precision better than 1/100 second of arc. The printed data are rounded to the nearest second of arc.
  2. Jagannatha Hora Lite 6.0 (JHL) is based upon Swiss Ephemeris. Lite version only supports non topocentric coordinates and true positions. Configured ayanamsa is sayana (=zero)

Calculation date is Jan 1 1900, 0:00 UT. Longitude and latitude are zero. The positions of the Sun, the Moon and sidereal time are calculated.


  • M: Maitreya
  • UT: universal time = greenwich mean time
  • ET: ephemeris time (differs 3.9 sec from UT for 1900-1-1)
  • ST: sidereal time

The following examples configurations are calculated vs. compared with reference sources

  1. M default: Non topocentric, UT, apparent positions, with data files
  2. M non topocentric, ET, apparent positions, with data files
  3. Cross check like #2: Rosicrucian Ephemeris
  4. M non topocentric, UT, true positions, with data files
  5. M non topocentric, UT, true positions, without data files
  6. Cross check like #5: JHL Non topocentric, UT, true positions, without data files
  7. M topocentric, UT, apparent positions, with data files

Calculation Results

Number Sun's position Moon's position ST
1 10 09'11.765" Cp 02 24'58.017" Cp 06:40:45
2 10 09'11.882" Cp 02 24'59.376" Cp 06:40:45
3 10 09'12" Cp 02 25'00" Cp 06:40:45
4 10 09'32.613" Cp 02 24'58.751" Cp 06:40:45
5 10 09'32.616" Cp 02 24'59.234" Cp 06:40:45
6 10 09'32.61" Cp 02 24'59.23" Cp 06:40:45
7 10 09'11.578" Cp 02 33'05.018" Cp 06:40:45